
Tuesday 12 June 2018

Favourite book covers

I was rearranging my bookshelf and was looking at my covers and it gave me an idea of doing a post on my favourite book covers, these videos are some of my favourites to watch on booktube.

The Novice by Taran Matharu

The book cover of the novice shows Fletcher's demon Ignatius who is ridiculously cute. It also shows that he can use magic which is by his left hand and the symbol behind him. I think the cover is perfect for the book.

The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien 

There are two different versions of this cover. One is a more brighter and eye catching, the colours of the other has been dulled down. I love both of the versions of this cover over the others as to me it represents the characters. you have the woods and open space which reminds me of the shire. Next you then have the mountains which represents the Dwarfs.

The Wicked deep by Shea Ernshaw

I love both the UK and US cover, they both symbolise parts of the plot. I am yet to read this book but i really want to get to this book. The US cover is a dark blue with a pentagram, moon and bird on the cover which tells you that this is a witchy book where as the UK cover doesn't really give that away

Uprooted by Naomi Novik

I love both of these covers like the previous two. Also like the previous one i have yet to read this book.The first cover gives it and old and fairy tale look to it where the colours of the second look beautiful. It also shows that it takes place in a village surrounded by a forest.

The Bone witch by Rin Chupeco

The bone witch cover i think is one of the most beautiful covers. It is eye catching and even though it has a person on the cover which is something i usually hate it is done so you can't see her face. It also has a skull on the front which shows that it involves death, she is a necromancer.

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

The UK cover of Nevernight is beautiful as well as having things inside the crow that are used/involved in the book like Mr.Kindly and a Dagger. It also has an important quote on the cover, Mia is told this by her mum and tells herself this whenever she needs to.

Carry on by Rainbow Rowell

The new paperback cover of carry on is such a gorgeous cover. I haven't read Carry on yet so i can't say if the cover gets across what the book is about.

Geekerella by Ashley Poston

This is one of my favourite book covers. It is a good cover as it shows that it is a Cinderella retelling. It shows the magic pumpkin the food truck that she works at which apart from the name is the biggest clue to the fact that is a retelling. The name is also tells you what the book is about, Elle is a geek.

Thanks for reading, comment and share
Paige x

Saturday 9 June 2018

The seven deadly sins tag

I was looking for a tag to do and came across this tag on Crazy for YA, it looked interesting so i decided to do it.

1. Greed-What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?
The cheapest book i think was The school for good and evil at £3.10. The most expensive book i brought was Harry potter and the chamber of secrets at £15.

2. Wrath-What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
There isn't an author that i have a love/hate relationship with.

3. Gluttony- What book have you devoured over and over again with no shame?
The haven't reread any books lately but when i was a kid i would reread both My sister Jodie and Cookie all the time. I love these two books and were some of my favourite childhood books.

4. Sloth-What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
I have avoided reading the lord of the rings as it is such a big book.

5. Pride-What book do you talk about most in order to sound like an intellectual reader?
There isn't any book that i use to sound like a more intellectual reader.

6. Lust-What attributes do you find attractive in male characters?
I love adorable, cute and nerdy guys, i can't think of any bookish examples at the moment but from Dragon age Alister and Cullen.

7. Envy-What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
It is hard to choose, i really want the a copy of the Diviners as i love the book but don't have a copy for myself or A darker shade of magic collectors edition.

Thanks for reading, comment and share
Paige x

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Authors i want to read

I was watching a video on books people wanted to read and i thought about doing that and when i was thinking of books there was a few that were written buy the same author so i decided to do a post on Authors i wanted to read from instead.

The first author i want to read is Holly Black. i have one of her books which i want to read and have on my top ten to read in 2018. I have wanted to read her books for a while now and want to read The coldest girl in coldtown, Iron trials and The cruel prince. 

The next author who's books i want to read are Neil Gaiman. I have wanted to read his books since i have watched the films Coraline, which i love and stardust. I want to read Coraline, Stardust, Norse mythology and Never where.

The third author is Andrzej Sapkowski. I have wanted to read the Witcher books for ages now. Like a lot of people i have played the games and loved them which is what made me find and want to read the books that the games are loosely based on. I have the audio book but would prefer to have the physical book.

Next is Leigh Bardugo. She is a popular author, who i  have heard a lot about since watching book tube. I have shadow and bone which i want to read and was in my top ten to read in 2018. 

J.R.R Tolkien is another author whose books i want to read. I have The Hobbit, The Lord of the rings, The Silmarrillion and The Unfinished tales part one which was put together by his son. I want to collect all of the books as i love the world but am yet to read them as they are intimidating but plan on starting off with The Hobbit.  

The next author whose books i want to read is Marissa Mayer. I see The Luna chronicles on booktube all the time, i like fairy tale retellings so i really want to read this series as well as Heartless which i own and Renegades.

The sixth and finally author i want to read from is Pierce Brown, people love the Red rising saga and i want to read more scfi so it is something that i really want ti read.

Thanks for reading, comment and share
Paige x

Favourite book covers

I was rearranging my bookshelf and was looking at my covers and it gave me an idea of doing a post on my favourite book covers, these video...