
Thursday 1 March 2018

February wrap up

My previous February wrap up has for some reason disappeared, i have no idea why so time to redo it, yay.

For February have have read four books which is a big improvement on January and the last few months of 2017. I have been in a reading slump and either reading nothing or only one book. this may be due to me listing to audio books now and can read at any time and able to get through books whilst on the bus, showering or gaming. 

The first book i read was Lair of dreams by Libba Bray. I read this as soon as i finished the diviners at the end of January. I loved both of these books and can't wait to read the third book. Lair of dreams takes place a few months after the Diviners and as it is a sequel i don't want to say the plot but does bring in a new character called Ling who has polio and i loved her.

I found this on so much easier to get into compared to the first one. i read it so much faster as well. I read this on audio book like i did the Diviners and would recommend listening to it as the narrator January LaVoy does such a good job. This book was a five star book, i couldn't recommend it enough. 

The next book is Soulless by Gail Carringer. I also read this as an audio book and was my fastest read, probably because it was short but also my favourite and i completely devoured this book. 

Soulless take place in a alternate Victorian Britain were werewolves and vampires are apart of society and are found in the aristocracy. Alexia is half Italian, a spinster and soulless. 

Soulless was hilarious and i absolutely loved it. If i didn't need to read my other books i would be reading the sequel now. This was also a 5 star book

The Novice by Taran Matharu is the third book i read. I have wanted to read this book for so long. Not only because i love this cover so much (it is so pretty) but also i was told it is a mix of Harry Potter and Pokemon. This description completely sold me on the book.

The Novice is about Fletcher who is an orphan and a blacksmiths apprentice. he lives in a small northern town near the outskirts of the Human territory. he finds a scroll and summons a demon, after this there is an accident. He is forced to flee and ends up at the summoners school. 

I loved this book and would defiantly would recommend this is you like anything to do with demons, schools and magic. This like the previous two was a five star.

The final book i read in February was The Hazel wood, i got this book in my fairyloot box and was excited to read it that i read it start away. i had heard mostly good things about this book which may be why i am so disappointed that i didn't like it. 

The Hazel wood is about Alice who has always moved about with her mum, Ella. they have always been plagued with bad luck and once it shows up they move again. Alice's Nan is a author of a fairy tale book, they receive a letter to say she that she is dead, then Ella is kidnapped.

I liked the started but got bored during the middle and skim read the end. I have a review on this book if you want to know more on why i didn't like this book. For me this was a three star read.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment on which was your favourite book you read in February

Paige x

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